faith and reason


Logically Consistent

(1) Alvin Plantinga, Where The Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion & Naturalism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), x.
(2) Dr. Jason Lisle, “Faith vs. Reason,”, retrieved May 4, 2024,
(3) J. P. Moreland, Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology (Wheaton: Crossway, 2018), 23.
(4) David Berlinski, The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions (New York: Random House, 2009), xiv.
(5) Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism (New York: Dutton Penguin Group, 2008), 84.
(6) Intellectual Code of Conduct, retrieved May 3, 2024,

Author: Steven Barto, BS Psy, ThM

I am a Christian in recovery following four decades of active addiction. I earned a B.S. in Psychology and an M.A. in Theology from Colorado Christian University. My ministry focus is helping others MEET JESUS through apologetics and evangelism. I also work with individuals struggling with mental health and active addiction. I believe in the power in the Name of Jesus to break every chain. All counseling must include discipleship and all discipleship must include counseling.

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